The Importance of Local Wildlife
It's a great idea to grow more wild plants but we need to make sure that they are the right plants for the right places.

Photo Credit Erica Olsen/FLPA
Text guide
Sowing wild flowers? READ THIS!
- Seen some spare land?
- Got a seedbomb or packet of “mixed meadow seeds”?
- Thinking of chucking it on?
Wait a moment!
It’s really important that we think about the best plants for different sorts of places.
And you might not need to plant anything at all!
First, you need to know who owns the land: read our resource about taking over green space in the Related Guides.
Next, think about the space. Is it:
A verge or roundabout, in a rural or semi-rural area? Often, these patches of land have loads of great local seeds already there, just waiting to get the chance to grow! You might not have to plant anything here – it’s all about how you manage it. Speak to your council and discuss the best plans for mowing it. It’s best to cut in August and then rake away the cut plants. See more advice on managing verges here.
A small area in an urban space that has little value to wildlife (at the moment)? Perhaps you just want to grow some colourful plants to attract bees and insects? That’s great! See our own advice about creating a “wild patch” here.
A large patch of land you want to make into a “wildflower meadow”? Then you may need expert advice to help you understand what’s already growing on it, and what plants are best for the local conditions. It’s always worth asking your local Wildlife Trust or a local botanist or wildlife expert to take a look. It might already be an important habitat for local species and you might be better just leaving it to nature.
If you are going ahead, with advice, to create or restore a wildflower meadow, then do make sure you are only using native wild plants that are best suited to your local conditions, and find out which native plants are important locally. Do involve experts from your local Wildlife Trust or other naturalists. They’ll think about the species that already grow there, the soil, the local climate, and what’s previously been done there.
Take a look at this excellent resource: Plantlife Meadows | Principles of meadow making.
Wildflower meadows are best on poor soil, so don’t be tempted to add compost. They also take a few years to get going, so you need to think long-term!
Video guide
Kei from Lincolnshire tells us all about wildflowers, meadows and local species.
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